Workplace Foundation

16 November – 21 December 2019 

Wednesday - Saturday, 12 - 5pm

Catherine Bertola 

Cath Campbell

Nina Chua

Joe Clark

Noel Clueit 

Claire Dorsett 

Peter J. Evans

Susie Green

Dean Hughes

Rachel Lancaster

Robert McNally

Paul Merrick

Mick Peter

Magnus Quaife

Nicola Singh

Cecilia Stenbom

Everything Must Go (part 2) marks the launch of Workplace Foundation’s ‘Community of Artists’. An acknowledgement that a new form of representation is called for that looks beyond a traditional art market ‘commercial gallery’ model towards the value that artists and their relationships bring to a place.

Everything Must Go (part 1) was the first group exhibition at 34 Ellison Street, Gateshead curated by Paul Moss and Miles Thurlow in 2005. The title for the exhibition had been left chalked onto the shop window from the previous tenants, prior to our refurbishment of the shop into Workplace Gallery. The exhibition looked outside of our immediate locale, drawing together artists from across Britain to take part in a context that was itself a moment of becoming, optimistically looking outwards into the art-world from our base in Gateshead Town Centre.

This exhibition both cycles back to look with some nostalgia at a shared history, whilst looking forward to new ways of working with artists. Recognising the importance of community in an increasingly fragmented and chaotic world.